Cloud Running

Dear Nike*:

I LOVE running. I started to run back in 1991 and I haven't stopped since that time. Well, I took some time off while I was pregnant, but aside from that, the feet have been hitting the pavement quite regularly. I was a fan of the Pegasus shoe for a very long time, and consider them one of my all-time favorite shoes.

In 2003, I moved to another state. While I found a super running store, I had to switch from you. Why? The store didn't carry Nike products. So, I was fitted for another brand, and I happily traversed the roads in that shoe for a couple of years.

Imagine my surprise (and delight) when the store informed me that they now carry Nike! I am a lucky person: my feet do not pronate or supinate, and while I have somewhat of a decent arch, it is neither too high nor too flat. Therefore, I am able to try many different types of neutral running shoes. "Would you like to try the new shoe?" the saleslady inquired. "They are the XXXXX's like running on clouds. You will love it!" How could I not try them?

So, I did. I tried them on the pavement outside the store as the two little ones played with the toys inside the store. The shoes were incredible. My feet really did feel like they were running on clouds, or pillows, or both! I felt they were worth the little bit extra that I'd be paying for them. When I brought the shoes home, the twins loved the colors of them. Happy people all around!

Well, a couple of weeks later, I am not so sure about worth of these shoes. On each run, my feet feel fantastic. I could run forever on the shoes. But I think the cushioning in the feet might be making the rest of me feel "not-so-great." My legs are sometimes sore (I first attributed the feeling to the fact that I had been running on snow, but the snow is now gone) and my back has been a bit angry. Pregnancy, sickness, and depression cannot be the cause, as I am not any of those. And, these "not-so-great" issues started with the arrival of the shoes. Coincidence? I think not.

I am willing to give these shoes another couple of weeks. I am hoping that in the end, I write you another letter, one that extols the virtues of these wonderful shoes and tells you that I have never run better. I will, as they say, keep you posted.


*Disclaimer: this is only a personal opinion. I didn't feel right putting in the name of the shoe, and I certainly didn't want to be slapped with a defamation lawsuit. If you want to actually know which shoes I tried, please leave a comment and I will get back to you.


T said…
Yes I want to know and thus am calling you now.

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