Word of the Day

The word of the day today is PATIENCE. Because I need to have more of it when:

The receptionist tells me that my doctor appointment isn't until 9:30 a.m. and it is 9 a.m. (I knew the appointment wasn't until 9:30 a.m., but I had been told to arrive 30 minutes early.) I smile at said receptionist.

I wait in the examination room for one hour before the orthopedist walks in, without an apology for my wait.

After my appointment, I stop at the bank, where I am the first in line. I stay as the first (and only) in line for seven minutes. I wonder what the tellers are doing behind the counter, but I don't stomp my feet, as my inner child directs me to.

I'm choosing to think there is a reason for these delays today. That maybe my course of action has been directed differently for a purpose and maybe that purpose is simply to remind myself that on the path to becoming a more patient person, I have a very long way to go.


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