
I feel like we haven't had a really good conversation here in a while, and I'm not entirely sure why. Could be that I've been busy (saying those words is an understatement), or that my longing to write has waned (saying those words is also an understatement). Plus, I try really hard not to convert every moment of my life into writing. No one needs to read about everything we do out here. (Like last week, we had one kid at the doctor for a hearing aid, one kid at the doctor for spots, and one kid at the doctor for an ankle injury. The last kid didn't go to the doctor, but he did get a cut on his foot that I contemplated heading to the doctor for stitches. I could also inform you of all the other, mundane tidbits, but that would bore you more than what you just read, right?)

So when I have these jags, I wonder if the realization of my dream is ever going to happen, and if the contemplation of the dream--just having the dream at the back of my head--is enough. Am I simply waiting for the dream to happen? And if so, what can I change in my life so that I'm moving forward instead of stagnating? I don't want my waiting to become a habit, right?

Someone once said, "Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now."*

I'm thinking about what risks I can take over the next couple of months to spur my publishing journey in the direction I want to go. And if I can do that, you can begin making your dreams become reality. Life is happening. Not in the past. Not in the future. Right now, in the present. Go!

*I'm still trying to find where this quote originated, but I can be sure to say I didn't come up with it.


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