
If there's one thing this writing journey has taught me, it's to find the silver lining in any rejection. And with the most recent rejection, it was easy to find that silver lining. This is what the letter said:
Hi Christina,

Thanks so much for the kind words! It’s always nice to hear. : )

You have some great things in your concept here, but unfortunately the voice to me feels more middle grade than young adult. Though unfortunately I’m not able to move forward with it at this time, thanks again for the opportunity to consider this project. I wish you the very best as you find it the perfect home!

Why am I actually pleased by this rejection? Because I sent K the YA version of Beyond the Trees, but--prior to sending it--I was certain that the story needed to be categorized as middle grade. K confirmed that notion with a simple, specific statement, and if I feel like querying any other agents--at this point, I'm pretty much done with pursuing agents for that book--I will only contact those interested in middle grade literature. Sometimes specificity can be a great thing.


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