Captain's Log, Day 9

You wanna know how the ninth day went?

1. How many words I wrote on November 9, 2015: 3247
2. Did I make the word count goal for the day? (1,667 words) Yes
3. Am I on track to finish 50,000 words by November 30? Yes

Distracting thought of my day: I picked up one of Stephen King's newer novels, Revival. I have to hold judgment on what type of book it is, and if I like it. I know pretty much nothing about it. But so far, I am amazed at how a man who puts simple sentences together can be so successful. I don't mean that statement to be rude; I'd like to know how I can do the same thing. 


Anonymous said…
I tried to read Revival... I got busy somewhere in the middle of it and never got around to finishing it. Let me know if it'll be worth picking up again sometime.

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